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5th - 6th LEAGUE





Amare Bates

Leo Gebhardt

Owen Minnick

Sarantis Pappas

Delvon Pinczewski

Ben Potter

John Porter

Elijah Shine


James DiSanza

Will Herron

Alex Kamholz

Will Krowicki

Emory Moffett

Cullen OConnor

Cain Rozenek

Chase Swain


Brett Dovichow

Thomas Holland

Ben Iszkula

Chase McMahan

Vincent Naber

Max Santillan

Kayden Szelewski

Gavin Zillman


Nathaniel Adams

Owen Fetzner

Jackson Lauria

Austin Mittner

Christos Pappas

Frank Thomas

Sonny Washburn

Jackson Yeager


**Winning team in BOLD**

Tuesday March 2


5:30pm - Syracuse vs Virginia

6:30pm - Villanova vs Illinois

Tuesday March 23


5:30pm - Virginia vs Syracuse

6:30pm - Illinois vs Villanova

Tuesday April 13


5:30pm - Syracuse vs Virginia

6:30pm - Villanova vs Illinois

Tuesday May 4



5:30pm - #1Villanova vs #4Syracuse

6:30pm - #2Illinois vs #3Virginia

Tuesday March 9


5:30pm - Illinois vs Syracuse

6:30pm - Virginia vs Villanova

Tuesday March 16


5:30pm - Syracuse vs Villanova

6:30pm - Illinois vs Virginia

Tuesday March 30


5:30pm - Syracuse vs Illinois

6:30pm - Villanova vs Virginia

Tuesday April 6


5:30pm - Villanova vs Syracuse

6:30pm - Virginia vs Illinois

Tuesday April 20


5:30pm - Illinois vs Syracuse

6:30pm - Virginia vs Villanova

Tuesday April 27


5:30pm - Syracuse vs Villanova

6:30pm - Illinois vs Virginia

Tuesday May 11



6:30pm - #1 Villanova vs #2 Illinois


   Team                Wins           Losses


1.  Villanova          8                  1


2.  Illinois              5                  4


3.  Virginia            4                  5


4.  Syracuse          1                  8


** PIAA rules will be played with the following HOUSE rules:


  • Two 20 minute halves - running clock

    • Stopped clock last minute of each half​

  • Man to man defense only

  • Bonus 1 and 1 on 8th team foul

  • Overtime: 1 minute period - stopped clock

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